Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Peeves... Can't live with them!

1. I hate repeating myself.
2. Don't stare at me... Say something
3. One compliment is enough... after one it gets awkward!
4. Grabbing the FRO is a NO-NO!
5. I look like myself and no one else.
6. Don't ask where I cop my shit.
7. I love Sneakers and apparels, but hate talking about them!
8. Don't like SUPER insecure folks.

thats not even half of the peeves...LMAO!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Older Folks Be Buggin!

I am very private when it comes to the FAM...
Older ppl in and out the "FAM," get on my DAMN NERVES!

It seems the older you get ...The more they talk..
It's about that time to pack up the Luggage and ESCAPE!


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pretty Rena Ft. SpiFFster- Trippin'

We was bored and decided to Freestyle!
I freestyled the first verse and she freestyled everything.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Word Vomit

Right now...

I feel as All my food is sitting on my chest..

I just had 2 beef patties from an official "Jamaican Spot" in Jersey.

I am so restless at this moment...

It's so messy outside...

I need some Doritos and Hawaiian Punch with a hot Action or Suspense movie.


just had to Verbally Vomit My thoughts

I will be back...


-In the words of Ledisi

Thursday, September 11, 2008


What I Need!
1. A Girl that's for me
2. A Record Deal (With Kanye, Missy, or Pharrell)
3. Some More shirts from Tempo and Uniqulo
4. A License; then car
5. To move out my parents house and into an apartment in NY
6. Lose about 15 pounds
7. This to be my #1 and Get Closer to God!
8. To not be so Selfish with my Bestest!
What I WANT!
1. To be a Player and get away with it
2. To have stable Bank account
3. MY Jack Russel Terrier Back
4. To go back to a shoe size of 8.5
5. To wear Fitted's again
6. To Never Hang Around Losers or ppl that dont beenfit my life
7. To not finish college but have 2 degrees before record deal
8. To be able to withstand a Fro in this summers heat!