Monday, May 31, 2010


What It Do FOLKS!!!?

So I was wondering...
If your were disrespected
Just a bit... Is it not Disrespect still?

And if you have not been
disrespected does that mean you are
being respected?

So my one of my OTHER cousins were disrespected by a boy

And this is one of my cousins that is always telling ppl OFF!

Even ppl who don't deserve it... So at the time she was
SUPPOSEDLY... suppose to tell this boy to whom she was "talking to"
OFF... She didn't..

She said, "she didn't feel disrespected to the point"..
But isn't Disrespect....Direspect..... Fuck the point, periods, and astericks!

then on top of that... if she didn't feel disrespected ....then was she respected???
The boy told her OFF and she did nothing..... he wanted her to go to his house and she declined....
IDk... What you all think?

Monday, May 24, 2010

1 Barber, 2 Barber, 3 Barber- NOOO!

Yo What's Great Folks!?

So... you know how I have the GREATEST MIND EVER!
I have came up with a new plan to save me time!

And my DIMES!
Look at me rhyming!!!

I could create a jingle... mabye even earn myself some Nickels!
YIKES I am becoming corny by the second...SMH! LMAO!

Nah but seriously..

I have gone through so many different barbers!!
I mean it's ridiculous!!!
My last BARBER was the BEST ONE!

All I get is Shape-ups (not even thingking about touching the FRO!)... So he use to clean me up in 5 mins top all the time...
I would walk in and their be a line&
He would let me cut the line because all I needed was a Measley SHAPE-UP!

& not plain, corny ones

Different, FLY, Quick shape-ups for $5-$7 bucks... like it was the best!
Tell me why this sucka DISAPPEARED!
His shop is always closed! I can't find his ASS!!!

I treat my barbers like my beef pattie spot...
I can't just be trying all type all WILLY-NILLY!
Nah I need a consistent Spot!...

So From now on I have decided to...

I mean who better to trust then myself!
I am nice with the clippers too... especially on myself!
I always do it in a jam.... so i have declared myself...a BARBER!
Right now I am rocking my latest design called, "The Wolverine"


Friday, May 21, 2010

Being Broke Ain't No DAMN Joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Right now I am on the Parent Fund!
SMH!!!! Cuz that money ain't

But I have been looking folks!
I have a job waiting for me at the same
summer camp I have been working at for 8 years!

I REFUSE to go back!
I don't like working with kids!!!
They get on my LAST NERVE!

So I found new job opportunities & come Next monday

I should have a new J.O.B.!!!!
I can't wait!
My pockets have too much LINT in them!
Time to get's Paid & get's PAID NOW!!!!
LMAO! I feel all country and SHIT!
Scared money don't make no money!
For this summer o pop off well my pockets need GUAP!

Pray for me!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Where Have I been??!

Where have you been? lol
DAMN! it's been a minute!
Well Blame it on Finals!!!

I shamelessly had an audition for a tv show on Bravo
for songwriters and I went my my bro and my cousin!

It was not a good look!
Tell me how i went to the wrong audition! SMH!
I ended up at Bravo's Fashion Show audition!

So one of the casting directors told me I was at the wrong address..

So I raced from 452 W something all the to 61st
I gave the damn METROCARD MACHINES all my MONEY!

I was too late and they told me to apply on youtube....and I did today! SMH!
So but they claimed it ended at 12 noon...and i sent my vid at 4pm blurry and all! SMH!
It's now up to God if i should be exposed on a reality show!

IDK folks!