Monday, July 2, 2012

To the STA-A-A-RSSSS!!!!

I am Launching the opening of my very own YouTube page, showcasing my SONGS. If this does not get me through the door to being a HEAVY-HITTING songwriter, I don't know what will. I have changed a lot over these couple of months in 2012. Discipline and Ambition is going to get me to the TOP. I have had LOTS & LOTS of Hang-ups, but my greatest fear is not knowing what and how much exactly I am CAPABLE OF... So I have decided to grab stop dreaming and rag my destiny up & Take it to the MOON, Take it to STA-A-A-RSSSS!!!!
I'm ready to be wealthy, give my parents all they deserve... Let's kick things up a notch, why don't we!

My lastest installment...
"Claims" which is meant for a female singer, is about a girl tired of her "busy" boyfriend. Enjoy.