Whats up?
I have been keeping my blog focused on Me ONLY!
And I would like to change it up...
I am a very insightful person and I would like to share some discussion my Friends and I have on the daily basis!
I think this will help me keep up with Updating My ISH!
Alrite Here we go?
I have noticed that many of my Female Friends go-out with SUCKERS, LAMES, LOSERS to the "T"!!!!!!!!!!!

& then they claim they are in LOVE with them!!!!
My thing is...
You can Love who you want to LOVE...
But at the same time Women should know their WORTH.
Not Be in a relationship because all their friend or Frenemies are in relationships... STOP RUSHING INTO TEMPORARY RELATIONS!
For example, Majority of the ppl I Hang with are the most creative, intelligent and driven folks ever!
I love my group of friends!
The females with that group are all worth having high standards with choosing the right guys, but usually never do.

I feel like women don't know their worth!
They deserve someone that is Educated, with common sense, that APPRECIATES them. yet they seem to find the players and lame folks all the time!!!
Then complain about dating the same type of LOSERS!
IF YOU FEEL YOU ARE NOT MAKING ANY PROGRESS WHEN IT COMES TO THE FOLKS YOU DATE...Which could be partying, bowling, movies, etc....

Seriously...How about look in the library, starbucks, or the place of business you would want to date someone at... For example: If you want to date a guy that is consistent with a good job, maybe you should wait for the garbage men to come in the morning before you take the trash out to see if you can holla at someone or go to little businesses such as a local bank or supermarket to see if they are any TAKERS!..
Women Stop settling for anything and stop waiting for ppl to come to you, cuz you might attract the LAMES!... Go search and be PROUD!