Last Week was my Spring Break!
& Let's just say I HAD A BLAST!
MY Gospel Choir Planned a Trip to go on a tour!
So we went to Myrtle Beach, ATL, Philly, V.A., M.D., & N.C.!
It was Madness on a bus with 46 Students in a bus!
Of Course I had Jokes from the beginning till the end!
We went to Cascade from ATL the movie..
Myrtle Beach itself, bowling, movies, lazer tag, nursing homes, couple churches
& basically created a tighter bond after all the unnecessary drama!
I just completed all my assignments, tests, and papers that was due on this week
after spring-break vacation and I am feeling MIGHTY GRAND!
My bank accounts looking good and everything seems to be going RIGHT!
Now What I need to do is HOP IN THAT GYM!!! YIKES!
I was looking through my Spring break pics on Facebook and I was like
"Who is that Round person???"
Sadly, it was me!
Yup My roommate calls it the "Buddha Belly"
I can't believe I let myself go like this!
I actually think it is FUNNY!
But I need to lose 20lbs ASAP!
I got a huge Decision to make about my career this week!
YUP YUP! ... I am suppose to be writing for a Major artist!
And Recording my own songs... So this "Buddha Belly" need to INFLATE! ASAP!