Where have i been you ask?
Nah but yoooo... "I have been around uh huh, uh huh
I've Been around the world" - MA$E
I have been entering contests on campus and performing
For all types of Gigs here & there...
Yup I have been stretching myself to get my name out there!
It's tiring, but I've seem to have done the Damn thing!
One contest I place 2nd... Another I placed 3rd...
Who ever said i wasn't talented.... GOODNITE!
FYI: there are MANY MANY MANY singers in these competitions...
Well atleast the 2nd place one that I won!
YAY for me!
through some rtecent events in my life... I have INVENTED the greatest Rip-Slogan! YET!
DEFINE: Rip Slogan- a term, dance, or song you do after you crack jokes on someone...
With a lil dance too....
Directions: Make your fingers look like hand guns and rotate them in parallel like a reggae jam in the 90's!
and UREKA!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy Julez Santana- Welcome to Jamrock (Remix)
This was my ish in highschool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where have i been you ask?
Nah but yoooo... "I have been around uh huh, uh huh
I've Been around the world" - MA$E
I have been entering contests on campus and performing
For all types of Gigs here & there...
Yup I have been stretching myself to get my name out there!
It's tiring, but I've seem to have done the Damn thing!
One contest I place 2nd... Another I placed 3rd...
Who ever said i wasn't talented.... GOODNITE!
FYI: there are MANY MANY MANY singers in these competitions...
Well atleast the 2nd place one that I won!
YAY for me!
through some rtecent events in my life... I have INVENTED the greatest Rip-Slogan! YET!
DEFINE: Rip Slogan- a term, dance, or song you do after you crack jokes on someone...
With a lil dance too....
Directions: Make your fingers look like hand guns and rotate them in parallel like a reggae jam in the 90's!
and UREKA!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy Julez Santana- Welcome to Jamrock (Remix)
This was my ish in highschool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yo goooood loooks my guy I'm proud of you gettin yourself out therer :) it motivates me to go harder.!
i want you to check out this song I uploaded to my second baby. www.bluntminds.wordpress.com
yeees you better work it out :]
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