Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Where have I been???


So...Your Boy has def been in the Studio... YES!

THE STUDIO... Haters' Greet my BACK! LOL!

I am thinking about starting a youtube show looking for, "SpiFFSter's New Bestfriend!"
I have met many candidates... But I got a trust issue!.... Everyone can't be you BESTFRIEND! NAH MEAN!

Well that enough intro...
So... I want to address Sexuality!


Why must we all identify with what a male or female is suppose to act like?
What does that even mean?

The other day I was invited to go to a friends Dinner that was suppose to be a whole bunch of folks and it ended up being, Three ladies and I... I had no problem with it.
(But I know some dudes who would detest this!)
While we were in the car.... I had been explaining how having a dog is similar to having a child...

I had supporting examples such as cleaning up feces and I explain how I hate doing that... And one girl in the car was like, "Stop being a girl about it."...
Now she said this not in a tone of sarcasm...

I replied, " What man do you know that like cleaning shit? Cuz, I have never met any MAN claiming, How cleaning shit makes his day.... Or it's the best thing in the world!" She replied, " I am just saying..."

I changed the subject at her ignorance.
Most men don't even like cleaning baby shit! LOL!
But I hate that men and women have to act a certain way.

I mean when it comes to etiquette of the leg-crossing and the door-opening.... That is all UNDERSTANDABLE....
But when the comment is made that, " Men don't Gossip"... Not only is that false, but that is such an ignorant, umbass GENERLIZATION upon a group of people!

My thing is.... Woman and Men are people... Some may be a lil more feminine or masculine than others, but that should never label them as being less ladylike or half a man!
(unless it has to do with etiquette or mannerisms)

We as people should stop looking for pin-points to JUDGE one another because a single task was not fulfilled to the standards we know...

It is time to stem from what we know and try to learn more...
You can never have enough knowledge!


Poetic.Justice said...

yes you have been gone for a min. but at least your back. :D

Video Vix[o]n said...

"I have never met any MAN claiming, How cleaning shit makes his day...."

Man, I have these convos with ppl about this all the time. males and females stay assigning roles to people and judging them for not living up to them, but they clearly haven't noticed that these roles switch all the time. its mad retro to think that guys don't gossip or girls don't hustle hard, or some shit like that.

but welcome back man. I know how it is to be on blog hiatus.

hittin' the studio again? thats whats up. I should be doing that with my friend soon. cant wait what imma produce in there.

Cody Chesnutt