I Know you missed me!
Because I DEF missed ya'll!
So... Tell me why my junior year in COLLEGE IS THE SHIT!
So far I have had only two minor altercations and everything has been Straight!
Well this blog is gonna be about HATERS!
Okay On Campus, I have noticed that these 2 boys... I think they are Freshmen
That basically be all in MY SHIT!!! Every-time they see me they just STARE AT ME ALL THE TIME!
Now I know sometimes ppl get captivated over whatever I am wearing or my kick!
But ( read this part LOUD and FAST) DAMN THEY BE ALL IN MY SHIT!
Like, "Can I live, Can i Breathe, Inhale, Exhale; Get Off Of ME"
- Sisqo "Enter the Dragon" Album
One recent situation happened at a Girl's football team hosted by the Iota's on my Campus...
But before that.... We were all on the Campus Shuttle and my text ring-tone went off... Keri Hilson "Intro" from her latest album which is my shit..... Even though I am a MAN, Thats My shit! lol.... And these 2 losers were laughing mad hard about to choke off there spit while all the White folk on the bus looked at them like they were crazy..... So I spoke, " Ya'll laughing at my text ring-tone" They was like tit caught them off guard... My thing is... Still after this incident. These boys continue stalk my life...They must think I am a Freshmen and not a transfer whose fit will DIG UP THAT ASS!
I think If I SPAZ one good time they will FIND SOMEWHERE TO SIT THE FUCK DOWN!
I just hate when ppl be al up on me and I spot you heavy in my peripheral's NAH MEAN!
IDK... What ya'll think? Am I blowing this out of proportion! Or should I Wyl'd OUT! ???? LOL!