Hi-Dee-Hoo! There BLOGGA'Z!
So.. I have found these two BANGIN' girls on Campus!I mean there are beautiful girls everywhere on this HUGE campus...
BUT I have LOCATED 2 ...DOS....DUECES!.. YES & they ARE +(plus)DIMES!
SMH... I want to Slap there MAMA's and Shake their hands at a good job DONE!
So... I have introduced my self to both girls through mutual friends... So they know I exist!...
Now I need to find a way to have some alone time with each girl to see if we are intellectually on the same level and then I have to choose.....
AHHH the WORK and Overtime! LMAO!
I mean I am not looking for a Wifey, but I am not trying to b.S. either.... So I am putting in work!
Ok.. I know you all are like, "Why that title for your blog?"
Pls. Relax and let me get to it.... SHEESH! LMAO!... Sike
But it's just what it says.... i have just hooked up On of my Macedonian friends with one of my Female friends and the two seem inseparable.... No they are not official yet, but i know I had magic HOOK-UP POWERS!... I convinced the two, whom never met, that they were very attractive to one another and created a blind date with me there... the entire time at dinner I kept on moving away from the table so that the two were forced to keep each other company. Later on that night both of them gave high-fives at separate times claim, " I did well!".... For some reason I know alot attractive ppl ... altogether...
Girls have always wanted me to hook them up with my friends or family members...
And guys ALWAYS claim that I have the baddest Chicks around me all the time...
Attraction is very good, but most of the time, we are not intellectually compatible or lacks confidence altogether. Some of the baddest females have the MOST insecurities and I have no time to deal with that. Confidence in a female is SOOOOOO very attractive to me... idk... maybe its just me!
What do you think?
Spiff out!....
Stay tuned... "The Mean Girl of the Campus, Token Black Spiff? & Edu-ma-Cation!" are the next titles of the soon-to-come blog posts!

i clicked on this blog just in time... like right after u posted lol
schools great i see
sucks we couldn't kick it this summer :\
good luck in your relations man ! go for yours
ii im out
u ever saw such before ? [url=http://krz.ch/5ic]Sexy.[/url]
just some help one more and i get pics unlocked
i'm thinking of running dating site purely for the disabled
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