Wednesday, August 4, 2010

RUNNN! Its the "Fat Shirt SYNDROME!!!"

Okay is it just me or has anyone ever had the "Fat Shirt Syndrome?"
Well I sometimes have the "Fat Shirt Syndrome!" SMH!
Wait, before you all take Jabs at me about being Delusional and in Denial!
LET Me first say that the "FAT SHIRT SYNDROME" does exist!
What?... You never heard of it?
Well let me explain!
And After I explain what it is , I will explain to you how it affects people of all sizes!

Don't you all know about that T-Shirt or Button-Up we all have that just makes our body look perfect.
Every time you rock that type of shirt you get compliments like, "looking good" or "did you lose some weight?" or "Someones been working out"!
And from the same mouths choose a less flattering shirt and hear "Someone's been eating late" or " Are you pregnant?" or "Can I rub Your Buddha-belly?"
"You Mother" is usually how I respond to those comments!

But Fat Shirt Syndrome is having any type of clothing that just makes your body look bulky and awkward. You probably was rushing in the store and never tried it on or just like the color scheme, but when you wore it a whole bunch of insecurities entered you and you are constantly adjusting it to try to appease the appearance of it on you.

We try to reserve Fat Shirts for our house clothes because usually they are much comfortable, but most times we find ourselves running out the house on an errand in them and receive horrible comments from all the people who know you! SMH!

We need to go shopping folks and take our times... MY NAKED BODY AIN'T FAT!!!!
It's that DAMN SHIRT!!!! GOSH!

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Cody Chesnutt