This week I have been hurt.
One of my bestest Friend and I had a fallen out that was fatal.
I rather not type anymore on the subject.
A major part of me being HEART-BROKEN, is due to the death of of my Boss, Friend, Granny & #1 Supporter!
I have not been able to grieve about her yet.
It actually did not hit me until today.
Even writing this I am choking up.
She died on Sunday from Cancer.
She fought long and hard.
She was such a loving woman.
She always encouraged me to strive for success and my education.
Even to the point where she told people she was my Grandma and I never disagreed.
I should have, would have and could have done a lot of things before her death...
But I am happy with the memory I have of her...
Last time I saw her was at my Bro's college Graduation.
Mrs. Sharon Graham!
I miss and love you, oh so MUCH!
I am happy you left us during your FAVORITE MONTH!
I use to love the knowledge she spat out!
I dedicate this posting to you!
J. Spiff

This is a pic from the last time I saw her...
Such an inspiration...