Lately, I have been working 2 jobs... (Paraprofessional & Program Assistant) all with kids from K-8th grade.
On top of working two jobs, I have lots of mini-projects and important business ventures, I have set up to strengthen my foundation as a :
- Creative Director/Manager
- Songwriter
- PR consultant
- Performer
- Videographer
- Photographer
I have realized, that waiting on someone else to make your dreams come true is not the right direction,
at least not for me.
I would like to quote a GREAT Duo,
Mary Mary, who Proclaims... "Go Get, Go Get, Go Get- Go Get Your Blessings!"
I am a big believer of Self-Encouragement.
As a child, Competition was & is like Breathing.. Its Second nature.
I just knew that there was no challenge I truly feared besides heights.
I have been traveling down a road that I call success and I noticed that this road is not a easy road, but I refuse to take a detour. I have invited lots of my family and friends to join me. Together we get together and support one another 100%.
I have truly learned through this process, its not WHAT-YOU-KNOW, but its WHO-YOU-KNOW!
That Facebook account that most of us have, holds a vasts NETWORK of people we have encountered someway, somehow through life.
I have reconnected with lots of high school and college friends to chase after my dreams.
I WILL SOON BE ONTO THE NEXT GOALS that come with a 6+ digit salary in my account. I feel it.
Recently, I have managed several photoshoots, where 3 of my sisters from high school have all been helping and supporting me. Its truly a blessing to be around people, just like you, going through similar experiences. Sharing and connecting with them 7 years after high school is inspiring on so many levels because we all are far from complacency. They all have children and are all the same age... If they can do it... So can you!
- Karisma has 3 kids (2 girls and a new baby boy),with her Fiancee', has a job, Bachelors and on the side pursues one of her passions which is doing Make-up
- April has 2 boys and a amazing husband, who has produced her entire Album and currently is pursuing one of her many Passions as a rising Gospel artists. See Blog Post "Snow-In, But Still Working"
- Tiff, has one daughter, a bachelors and loves her career as social worker with families.
Here's a little behind the scenes video of a photo-shoot I managed.
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