Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Peeves... Can't live with them!

1. I hate repeating myself.
2. Don't stare at me... Say something
3. One compliment is enough... after one it gets awkward!
4. Grabbing the FRO is a NO-NO!
5. I look like myself and no one else.
6. Don't ask where I cop my shit.
7. I love Sneakers and apparels, but hate talking about them!
8. Don't like SUPER insecure folks.

thats not even half of the peeves...LMAO!


iCandy21 said...

lmao @ #3...ur so right about this one!!

poison.ivy said...

i have a thousand pet peeves....i agree with all of your too

Unknown said...

I was hoping ppl would feel me on this one!

Cody Chesnutt