This past summer I worked at a Summer Camp at my church,
which I have been working every single summer for the past 7 years.
In doing so, I have been saving all my money up to go school shopping.
NOW! (SHOUTING!) I am 20 damn years old!
This past summer i earned like... A "G" and some change , (Cuz of this damn recession taking HUGE TAXES OUT!... Obama, I got you SHUN!) And now my bank account is like -200 and change...
I'm Still Fly though (Something a drug dealer would say).
No, but seriously... She is on my case every minute about getting a job...
One Saturday morning I was sleeping all the way to 12 p.m. which is like a norm for me...
And she lost it....
I was like WTF!?
No she is not waking me up for some B.S.
We argued so much that morning about me getting a job I was so convinced to move out and live in a hotel, until I remembered my account was still OVERDROWN... OH BOY!
Wachovia is a peace of work...
I bought computer parts which cost me about 211 to build my computer and then I was like," I might as well buy a brand new computer ... So i sent the WRONG parts back, "Dell" sent me and got my money back...
During this time I had purchased some threads and like 4 pairs of kicks.... Yes At times I am reckless....BUt thats my THING! SHIT!
Moving along...
My brother, mother and I put some hundreds together to buy a NEW DELL.... The deal was to put all the money in my account and for me to Order the Computer myself...
Well let me tell you all....
Dell took a week in a half to take that money out...
At that time Dell had been making many errors....
One of my friends ordered a flashdrive and got sent like 20.
She called dell and they found no error.... Dumbasses!
My Uncle ordered a computer and was sent 2 computers...
So, Like a African American That I am... I started spending that money after a week...
I took my lil cuz shopping in Soho and left the money that my Grandmother gave me in the house and instead of turning back.... I just swiped the SHIT outta my card...
When I check the money was still there...
So the money at mny house i was gonna put back in my account... But I didn't know when the bank closed and my mom was like if you keep calling the bank.... They gonna charge me and think I am doing something suspicious.... Mind you... This bank is "Wack-Chovia"....
( Oh boy... I am getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome typing this shit...LOL)
My mother kept on trying to convince me to not contact the bank and go in person, but that week was Labor Day week...(my B-day)
So the bank was closed on Monday ... Tuesday i went out...
And tuesday "Wack -Chovia" Decided to overdraft the SHIT outta my account and I was unaware of all that shit....
I bought my self the new Voyager Titanium cell phone and Microsoft word from staples on the damn card....
I went to go put the cash from buying my cousins clothes and the bank was like
you owe us.... $400and change... Everytime you overdraft they charge $35 bucks....
I swiped my card like 5 times....you do the math...
Today I got a job and came home to deliver the good news and my mom starts poppin shit....
I just started to igg her....
Right now she is on my Shit LISTS!
She always on that list! DAMN!
I need to move out!
I am not even gonna edit this shit..
"( Oh boy... I am getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome typing this shit...LOL)"
lmmfaoooo i know the feeling.
I've been tempted so many times to spend money i know should be gone. smh the only time i do it is if im getting paid the next day, and know the money wont make it out that afternoon. this should teach u a lesson!
You Are Duper Right...
I just started a new job today.....
Hopefully I can build my bank to do the shizzle i need to do!
Like hookah... Go to Open Mic nites and Feed my Sneaker addiction!
Thanks Icandy21! My bloggin homie!
You should use that little book they give you with your card to keep track of your purchases LOL
But I though my bank was hitting me over the head with a $20 dollar overdraft fee....zamn
LMAO!@ANDRE! You right!
got damn man. money don't seem to be ya friend these days.
I hate overdraft protection. you get too confortable with that shit, then next minute, ya broke.
lol @ "Wack-Chovia"
my moms is getting at me too these days. I told her about tryin to start my video hustle and she doesn't want me to. how ya moms tell you NOT to get money? aint that a bitch?
imma hit up ya blog man. stay up.
I LOVE wachovia. It's my its like the bank for elietest (cause you know there arent that many)...
only you jaded...smh!
Videovixen... tell me about it! Yeesh! Lets all put our money under the mattress like them harriet tubman days!
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