So today, one of my closest homies sent me a text (LOL- thinking about this shit) of a pair of Adidas...
Insight on my homie: I have known her for like 10 yrs! And we argue and stop talking every three months!LMAO!
So she sent me a text of these DISGUSTING LOOKING SHITS!!! (excuse my French) but I was not feeling those Sh-Sh-Sh-SHITS! at all!!!
I want to HURL on them SOOO BAD!
WTF was she thinking when she bought them!
She ain't following me NOWHERE! LMAO! (I am so reckless; NO SHAME either!)
So... Alright, the sneakers ain't that bad, But i am so SICK of people trying to OUT-DO one another or even themselves to be something that they are really not!
People are truly starting to look Homeless and the Homeless people are def on the come-up!
I wish I could just SLAP some type of swag and confidence into these folks so that they can all stop trying and just do the DO! DAMN!
Seriously that shit is pissing me off!
People really need to STOP posing, swagga-jacking, and ripping clothes off of complex mags and shit!
Do you!!!
I just had to get this out! That really URK's The SHIT outta ME!
These kicks got me feeling some type of way... I... I don't even want to look at them...
I got cousins that are WANNABE JIM JONES DOUBLES looking like COMPLETE ASS HOLES!
I def deleted they ass's of my myspace... I don't even want to associate with them!
I know I'm reckless! But they look RIDICULOUS!
I mean everyone does not have to look like me... But what happen to a regular t- shirt and a pair of jeans... SHIT goes a LONG WAY!
I'm Done!
Oh Here's the BRAND NEW SNEAKS, that look the Jesus, Shakespeare, and Malcolm X All wore the first day of Highschool!

uhh those are sneakers all right... but yeah personal style is just that. If I worked at a clothing store and somebody came in asking me for the "jim jones/ed hardy douchebag look" I'd slap the face off his skin!
ANDRE you right... i should reconsider!
But I just would not rock those!
Those sneaks are hideous!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i thought it was JUST ME!!!!
VIXEN atleast we are on the same page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my sk is trippin cuz i commented on here last night!
well what was the comment Miss?
.....did they come out the box dusty?
they w.e. if she wanna rock them shits, fuk it. maybe she can make it work.
u went in though lmaoo im not even mad at the shoe lol
u reckless but i feel what u sayin. ppl try n out do themselves n end up doing other ppl neway.
i said the shoes look real homless-ish lol, and that i hit up pretty Rena on the space...mmm mmm mmm her swaggalicious ass lol the way...YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED!
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Chinkii... I hope ya'll don't think I am mean lol...
but it is what it is! thanks!
iCandy... YEESH! you giving me work like I'm in English class! LMAO! I got you!
Lmao; I laughed in my mind the whole time reading this sht, kind of remind me of myself. People don't realize everytime them try to imitate they are one step closer to rotting in styleHELL! gawd. But the kicks are "Eh," lookin like someone ran a marathon in them then tried to like...I don't know, make them look decent.
At first I thought they were ok...but looking at them...Ew.
Nice blog by the way & thx for stopping by mine to share your insight! =]
no one, not even my worst enemy should be caught wearing those. People stay trying to jump on bandwagons. They don't know what style means anymore. Everyone is trying to do like the other person when they should do them.
I've stop trying to look like everyone else. My outfits all cost under a buck and I still look fresh. Cheap and chique, you already know what it is.
KMX thanks for the love!!!!!!
My friend def took them back and told me I had no life to blog about it!
Video Vixon! Atleast you agree with me! LOL!
PPl are just so confused now-a-days!
They all need manuals about dressing maybe! LMAO!
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