My Second day on Campus.... SMH...
I know I am suppose to continue writing about my FUN ASS SUMMER! LOL
But I need to Digress a Bit to my College Experience @ RU! SMH!
Aight ya'll...
So... While I was at an Alpha Phi Alpha Cookout.... I met up with one of my Homies who graduated with me from my Community College... While we were there, i felt like there were too many Black folk.... LOL... That I did not know! SMH... I felt as if they were not being black.... I mean, I felt like everyone was being distant... and weird.... Probably they thought I was a Freshmen.... Mind You.. I don't want ppl to be all up in my face, but I hope you all are attempting to understand where I am coming from....( if not let me know...lol)...
So My friend, her roommate and I was invited to a Sigma Party Later that nite at a Huge 10 room Mansion! I was Kinda excited cuz I have not been to a party, party in a long time... And Although I am not a party-feen... I love to dance!.... So I went hone to get some more clothes and then Got back to Campus and got dressed and ready to meet up with my homies on the bus... But she told me she was unable to get on the crowded, infested Freshmen bus... So she was contemplating Driving...
MY DUMB-ASS on the other hand, got on the bus! WHY?????????????
I reluctantly had a seat on the tightly-packed bus.... I soon realized that all the bodies on the bus were White, Freshmen... They all smelled like BEER... and was loud as HELL!!!!! Yelling, Shouting, Singing, Cursing....the WORKS BASICALLY!!!! I was like, "I Can't take it!"
So, this black next to me was talking about how she wanted to dance and how she left a white frat party, where everyone was just drinking and playing beer-pong... SMH... I told her where I was heading an she said she rather go back to her house, then she corrected herself and said Dorm.... I was like "how old are you?".... she responded, "18".... I was sooo surprised and shocked by her answer and told her that I thought she was 25... She got mad & wanted to stop talking to me, while I laughed ... And then I realized that i knew her.... She performed at an Open Mic that I frequent...
This WORLD IS TOO DAMN SMALL SOMETIMES.... we exchanged numbers and She left my STUPID BLACK ASS on the CROWDED, STINK ASS BUS!.... I was so mad... I didn't know that I need to take 2 buses to get to the damn mansion and then earlier, I had so many signs from facebook ppl, and this long ass bus (Campus Shuttle) ride that I should have stayed home... So i decided to stay on the Shuttle until I reached my Destination back to my Dorm... I Made my new roommate go party , since I was going to party and he left while I was in the Dorm eating a Day-old Cheeseburger from burger King... SMH... Rough NITE!
1 comment:
lmao... ahh freshmen out for their first party... i know the feeling man. esp upstate, crazy ass freshmen are a hot mess... ridiculous...
sometimes, it's better to just chill in the dorm, but i don't know bout that day old burger though, lol.
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