I find myself going through a range of emotion in daily ...
One minute I am happy, sad, mad, lonely, social and in all I am just MOODY AS HELL!!!
I think I miss my bestfriend... But I am done... for good.
I need me a girlfriend.
I thought I could do with out one...
I am noticing how lonely I can get...
Everyone one i know is involved and never have time for me
I notice myself CLING-ING unto to folks and I am too conceited and old to be doing that SHIT!
I need me a girlfriend to cling onto... I have been trying to say I can do without one
and just flirt and mess around occasionally
But that is not enough
I am educated, still in school, got a job, and I look good...
I am proper and can attempt being hood for like a second...
Why aren't girls flocking or knocking my door?
I am def an eligible bachelor.
They want the blunt smelling, long loc's wearing, pants saggin, no job-having, about 5 baby-mama's dude!
I just turmed 20 and most of these clubs raised there ages for males.... Girls 18 but dudes 21 or 23.... Like WTF!!!!???
smh... this SUCKS!
aww man, preach my brother. preach.
emotions are a bitch, but i relate to each one. i need to spark some lessons and put them up.
Yeah these girls be trippin...but don't look so hard, cause you never know.. I mean I feel the same way you do but I just play it how it goes.
You never find what you're looking for, while you're looking for it.
It's when you stop looking that it appears.
I def feel you on the clinging shit.
Me and my bestfriend seem to be going the way of the t.rex and I'm feeling all clingy and shit and I don't like it at all.
Like you said, I'm too old for this shit.
Guess that's why I blog. She ALWAYS listens to me....
Vixon...We def need a couple of blog lessons to get this shit out! LMAO!
Andre... I think I got to play along too... FUCK! I feel like i am Settling!
Phlyy... I am done with that Clinging SHIT...it aint me... So is our friend ship... LMAO!
I was pissed, but now... I take it one day at a time... it will be okay... I hope..lol
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